Notice of Fee Schedule Changes

Effective February 1, 2025 we will be lowering our Overdraf fees (both for paid and returned items) from $27 to $14. There are addtional fee changes outlined below.

Notice of Changes to Overdraft Protection Program Disclosure

The Overdraft Protection Program Disclosure is being updated to reflect fee reductions as well as to clarify that more than three (3) Overdraft Protection Program fees may be as-sessed in a single day, but all Overdraft Protection Program fees in excess of the three (3) per day limit will be credited back to the account within two (2) business days. These fees changes are described below and will be effective 2/1/2025:

Overdraft Fees: More than one Overdraft Protection Program fee may be assessed against my checking ac-count per day depending upon the number of overdrafts paid through the Overdraft Protection Program. The amount of each Overdraft Protection Program fee is equal to your standard overdraft fee of $14. There is a limit of three (3) Overdraft Protection Program fees per day that you will charge me for overdrawing my ac-count. However, I understand that if I have opted in for coverage of ATM and Debit Card transactions, I may be assessed more than three (3) fees in one day. In such cases, I understand and agree that you will refund (cred-it back) any Overdraft Protection Program fees that were charged in excess of the three (3) per day limit within two (2) business days. KFCU will not charge an Overdraft Protection Program fee for items that overdraw my account and result in an account balance of negative $15.00 (- $15.00) or less.  Click here to read the full disclosure.

Notice of Changes to our Privacy Policy

Kings Federal Credit Union no longer shares your personal information with nonaffiliates for marketing or joint-marketing to you. Click here to read the full Privacy Policy.