Current Loan Rates

Effective 3/1/2025

Kings Federal offers a variety of personal, home equity lines of credit, mortgage and auto loans. Check all loan types and current rates below.

AUTO LOANSTermAPR1 - as low as
New Autoup to 60 mos.5.74%
61-72 mos.5.99%
72-84 mos.6.49%
Used Autoup to 60 mos.5.99%
61-72 mos.6.24%
72-84 mos.6.74%
New RV, Boat, Motor Home, Trailerup to 60 mos.7.49%
61-72 mos.7.74%
72-84 mos.8.24%
85-120 mos.9.24%
Used RV, Boat, Motor Home, Trailerup to 60 mos.7.74%
61-72 mos.7.99%
72-84 mos.8.49%
85-120 mos.9.49%
New Motorcycle / Personal Watercraftup to 60 mos.8.49%
61-72 mos.8.74%
Used Motorcycle / Personal Watercraftup to 60 mos.8.74%
61-72 mos.8.99%
CREDIT CARDTermAPR1 - as low as
VISA Credit Card
VISA ClassicN/A8.95%
Share Secured VISAN/A13.95%
PERSONAL LOANSTermAPR1 - as low as
Signature Loanup to 60 mos.9.99%
Share Securedup to 48 mos.6.45
Overdraft Line of CreditN/A15.00%
Express Home Improvement (Unsecured)up to 84 mos.9.00%
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)TermAPR2 - as low as
80% LTV10 yr. draw/15 yr. amort.**7.00% (WSJ Prime - 0.50%, 4% min)4
90%LTV10 yr. draw/15 yr. amort. **8.50% (WSJ Prime + 1.0%, 4% min)
HELOC Termout OptionTermAPR2 - as low as
80% LTVup to 15 years8.00% Fixed Rate
90% LTVup to 15 years9.50% Fixed Rate
Conventional Fixed and ARMsFor Current Rates Call (559)582-4438
1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate. All rates displayed are the lowest rates. Actual rate will be based on credit qualification, collateral and term of loan. The “As low as” rate quoted for auto loans is based on the model year, credit history and term.

2 The APR may vary and is based on the highest prime rate as published in the “Money Rates” column in the Wall Street Journal. The APR can change quarterly on the first day of January, April, July and October. The minimum “floor” APR on all Equity Lines of Credit is 4.00% and the maximum APR that can apply is 15%. The Home Equity Line of Credit cannot exceed the appraised value. APR will vary depending upon the available equity in your home. Credit limit is based on your credit worthiness.

** For Home Equity Lines of Credit, there is a 10 year draw period and a repayment period of up to 15 years.

General information: Rates are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions, please call the credit union at (559) 582-4438. To apply for a loan, you can apply over the phone, fax your loan application to (559) 582-3236 or complete the online application.